Pentecost: Acts 2:1-11; I Cor
12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23
There are transitional
moments in life that confirm something tremendous has taken place. One of those
moments occurs in a teenager's life and in lives of the parents of that
particular teenager, when a mom or a dad gives to him or her the keys to the
car for the first time for a solo run. What a transitional moment this is! It's
going to be a step of growth for you. It's a time when you release your child
into an adult world. It's a change in your son or daughter's life from which
they are never going to turn back. It's a moment in which you are giving your
child an adult responsibility.
It is a transitional moment
for the child also because the teenager recognizes that he/she has been given a
great responsibility. It's an adult responsibility. He also realizes that this
is something that he needs to take care with because great trust has been put
in him/her. Teenagers need to prove to their parents that the validity of their
faith in them is correct.
In the Scripture for today,
Jesus does something very similar for His followers. Jesus said, "As the
Father has sent me, so I send you." Jesus is tossing the keys to the
kingdom to His disciples. He is demonstrating that He is accepting them as His
followers but He is also demonstrating to them that He is entrusting to them
the message of the gospel. He is showing them that He believes in them.
The feast of Pentecost
commemorates the official inauguration of the Christian Church by the apostolic
preaching of St. Peter, which resulted in the conversion of 3000 Jews to the
Christian Faith. Pentecost is, thus, the official birthday of the Church. It
is the Holy Spirit who enlivens, enlightens, guides, and sanctifies the
Church. The Psalm refrain for this Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm (Ps 104)
says it so well: “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the
earth.” We know Jesus through the
Sacramental Mysteries of the Church, and Holy Spirit is at the heart of the
Sacramental life of the Church. Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders are
the Sacramental Mysteries through which people receive the seal of the Holy
Spirit. It would be impossible for us to receive Jesus in the Eucharist
without the descent of the Holy Spirit at the Epiclesis of the Divine
Liturgy. Even the forgiveness of sins comes through the Holy Spirit (Jn
At Pentecost when the Holy
Spirit descended, notice that the Spirit “filled the entire house”, and then
the apostles were “all filled with the Holy Spirit”, and then they fill the
streets of Jerusalem where, speaking in the languages of the known world, they
signify that the Spirit fills the inhabited world with God’s blessings. On the
day of Pentecost, those touched by the Holy Spirit were accused of being drunk,
or maybe crazy. Today, believers are still considered to be weak, foolish, or
emotionally unstable. But more and more studies are showing that religious
believers are more emotionally and mentally stable than the average population.
Religious faith is linked to lower blood pressure and lower rates of drug use,
alcoholism, suicide, and mental disorders. Therefore remaining an active member
in the community of believers is significant.
D.L. Moody once called on a
leading citizen in Chicago to persuade him to accept Christ. They were seated
in the man’s parlor. It was winter and coal was burning in the fireplace. The
man objected that he could be just as good a Christian outside the church as in
it. Moody said nothing, but stepped to the fireplace, took the tongs, picked a
blazing coal from the fire and set it off by itself. In silence the two watched
it smolder and go out. “I see,” said the man. The message was clear to him.
Away from the active community of believers we cannot get the support to sustain
ourselves in grace.
The gift of the Holy Spirit
is something to be shared with others. If we are led by the Spirit, then, we
shall have “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness,
gentleness, and self-control.” If we desire to these gifts of God, then we have
to receive the Holy Spirit, and seek daily to “be directed by the Spirit.” As
Pope Francis said recently: “Do not be afraid to let yourself be guided by the
Holy Spirit. Holiness does not make you less human, since it is an encounter
between your weakness and the power of God’s grace. For in the words of León
Bloy, when all is said and done, “the only great tragedy in life, is not to
become a saint.”
How beautiful is the thought
that the Holy Spirit lives within us!
Saint Paul reminds the Corinthian community of this fact when
he asks, "Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit
dwells in you?" (I Cor. 3:16). It is the Holy Spirit who develops
our intimacy with God. "God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our
hearts crying, ‘Abba!' ('Father!’)” (Gal 4:6). "God’s love has been
poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us" (Rom. 5:5).
"No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit" (I Cor.
12:3). Moreover, we know that it is the Holy Spirit Who teaches us to
pray (Rom.8:26).
There was once an Eskimo who
used to take his two dogs for a bet-fight in the town square. One was a black
dog the other was white. The people gathered week after week to see the dogs
fight and betted heavily. On some days, the black dog won and on others the
white. No matter which dog won, the Eskimo made money. The secret behind duping
the people was that he would feed well the dog which he wanted to win. Do we
feed our spiritual self and keep it strengthened by the daily anointing of the
Holy Spirit to win over the carnal person? "
Today is a great day to ask
the Holy Spirit to rekindle in us the spirit of new life and enthusiasm, the
fire of God's love. Let us pray Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman’s
favorite little prayer, “Come Holy Spirit:”
“Come Holy Spirit
Make our ears to hear
Make our eyes to see
Make our mouths to speak
Make our hearts to seek
Make our hands to reach out
And touch the world with your love. AMEN.”
Make our ears to hear
Make our eyes to see
Make our mouths to speak
Make our hearts to seek
Make our hands to reach out
And touch the world with your love. AMEN.”
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