Jer. 23:1-6, Eph 2:13-18, Mk 6:30-34
According to
a Greek legend, in ancient Athens a man noticed the great storyteller Aesop
playing childish games with some little boys. He laughed and jeered at Aesop,
asking him why he wasted his time in such frivolous activity.
responded by picking up a bow, loosening its string, and placing it on the
ground. Then he said to the critical Athenian, "Now, answer the riddle, if
you can. Tell us what the unstrung bows implies."
The man
looked at it for several moments but had no idea what point Aesop was trying to
make. Aesop explained, "If you keep a bow always bent, it will break
eventually; but if you let it go slack, it will be more fit for use when you
want it."
People are
also like that. That's why we all need to take time to rest. Start by setting
aside a special time to relax physically and renew yourself emotionally and
spiritually. You will be at your best for the Lord if you have taken time to
loosen the bow.
Gospel passage presents the sympathetic and merciful heart of Jesus who
lovingly invites his apostles to a desolate place for some rest.
Jesus had sent his apostles on their first mission, which was one of
healing, teaching and preaching. When they returned, they were no doubt exhilarated
by the experience. They had witnessed at first hand the power of God’s Word.
Nonetheless, they were hungry, exhausted, and in need of rest, both
physical and spiritual. In fact, Jesus was eager to hear about their missionary
adventures as they proudly shared their experiences. But Jesus, too, was in
need of a break from the crowds who were constantly pressing on him, demanding
his attention and healing. Hence, he led the Apostles by boat to a “deserted
place” on the other side of the Lake for a period of rest and sharing.
By stopping
and taking breath we can gain more strength for our daily activities. That is
why Jesus led the Apostles away to a deserted place. One man challenged another
to an all-day wood chopping contest. The challenger worked very hard, stopping
only for a brief lunch break. The other man had a leisurely lunch and took several
breaks during the day. At the end of the day, the challenger was surprised and
annoyed to find that the other fellow had chopped substantially more wood than
he had. "I don't get it," he said. "Every time I checked, you
were taking a rest, yet you chopped more wood than I did."
you didn't notice," said the winning woodsman, "that I was sharpening
my ax when I sat down to rest."Taking time we need to sharpen our
spiritual weapons to fight against the forces of evil in our life and the
In this day we
have so many devices to save time. Yet, never before have we seen so many
hurried and restless people! If the computer, the laptop, the cellular phone,
and all of these other technological wonders are suppose to save us time, why
do we have so little time for the things that matter?
Today's man
is in constant danger of becoming enslaved by the very things that were supposed
to make his life more convenient. No matter where he goes, his work goes with
him. It seems that with all we've accomplished, about all we have really added
is speed and noise. We get there faster, but we don't know where we are going.
And when we get there, we're out of breath.
Once a man
swallowed an egg whole. He was afraid to move because he was afraid it would
break. But he was afraid to sit still because he was afraid it would hatch.
There are a lot of people like that today--so frenetic, so pressured they don't
know which way to go. It is an old and ironic habit of human beings to run
faster when we have lost our way. Check if we are running faster, it means we
have lost our way.
A story is
told about some African workers who were hired to carry heavy equipment on
their backs to a remote outpost. It was a place that couldn't be reached any
other way but on foot. After several days of difficult travel, the workers
refused to pick up their packs and go any further. They sat by the side of the
trail ignoring the shouts of the leader of the expedition. Finally the leader
asked why they wouldn't go on. One of the workers replied, "Sir, we are
waiting for our souls to catch up with our bodies." We need to slack down
and let our souls to catch up with our bodies that they are together back
again. Our bodies may be running faster, but the soul which is not in a rush
takes its time. So, slow down couple of times a day to get the soul catch up
with you. Many of us do critically important work and find ourselves exhausted.
Yet we don't rest.
disciples have returned from their travels, but the pace has not slackened. As
the Gospel reports, “Many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even
to eat.” Does that scene sound familiar to us? Is our workplace like that? Is our
home like that? Many are coming and going, and they have no leisure even to
eat. Do we have some time to eat some spiritual food in an unhurried manner? Let’s
accept the invitation of the Lord today, to come away to a deserted place and
spend some time with him.
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