OT XX [A] Is 56:1, 6-7; Rom
11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28
One day, a certain curious
person in heaven asked St. Peter “How many Hindus are in heaven?” Peter
replied: “No Hindus”. Then he asked: “How many Muslims?” “Not even one,”
replied Peter. The man was surprised. He said: “Oh, then, there are only
Christians in heaven?” “No, there are no Christians in heaven either,” replied
Peter. “How Many Catholics?” “No, Catholics either.” Then St. Peter said,
“Heaven is not meant for any particular group of people. Here, there is no
distinction between Hindus, Muslims or Christians for all are welcome in
All three readings
today speak of the expansive and universal nature of the “Kingdom of
God,” in contrast with the protocol of the day which demanded that salvation
should come first to the Jews and then to all the people of the earth. Although
God set the Hebrew people apart as His chosen race, He included all
nations in His plan for salvation and blessed all families of the earth in
Abraham (Gn 12:1-3). By declaring through the prophet Isaiah (the first
reading), “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples,” God
reveals the truth that in His eyes there is no distinction among human
beings on the basis of race, caste or color. The long-expected Messianic
kingdom was intended, not only for the Jews, but for all nations as
well. There is no place for discrimination among God’s children.
Today’s Responsorial Psalm
(Ps 67) rejects all types of religious exclusivity: "Let all the
peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You. For You judge
the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon the earth, so that Your
saving power may be known among all the nations." In the second reading,
Paul explains that, although the Jews were the chosen people, most of them
denied the promised Messiah. Consequently, God turned to the Gentiles who received
His mercy through their Faith in Jesus. In the Gospel story, Jesus demonstrates
that salvation is meant for the Gentiles as well as for the Jews by
healing the daughter of a Gentile woman as a reward for her
strong Faith.
The Gospels describe only two
miraculous healings Jesus performed for Gentiles: the healing of the
centurion’s servant (Mt 8:10-12) in Capernaum, and the healing of the daughter
of the Canaanite woman which we heard today. By granting the persistent request
of the pagan woman, Jesus demonstrates that his mission is to break down the
barriers and to remove the long-standing walls of division and mutual prejudice
between the Jews and the Gentiles. God does not discriminate but welcomes all
who believe in Him, who ask for His mercy and who try to do His will.
On another occasion too
he praised the faith of a pagan; "nowhere in Israel have I found such
faith," he said to a Roman centurion (Matthew 8:10; Luke 7:9). And
to his disciples he once said, "Whoever is not against us is for us"
(Mark 9:38).
However he also said
something that appears opposed to this last quotation. "Whoever is
not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters"
(Luke 11:23). But notice that he said "with me." He
did not say “with you.” Once a group of people get together they begin to
be exclusive. Even a group of disciples can be exclusive in a way that
Christ himself would never be. Notice too that the first statement (Mark
9:38) is addressed to his own disciples and refers to the work of outsiders,
while the second (Luke 11:23) is addressed to outsiders and refers to his own
work. There are many who claim to be working with him - good
Christians, good Catholics - but who have nothing of his great mind
and Spirit, nothing of his compassion and love, and who may be surprised to
know that they are working against him.
Much good work is done for
Christ outside the fold. In its document on non-Christian religions, the
Second Vatican Council stated: "The Catholic Church rejects nothing that
is true and holy in these religions. She regards with sincere reverence those
ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and teachings which, though
differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless
often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all people." (NostraAetate,
2). In our own time too there are movements without number for the
development and liberation of humanity. If they are not against Christ
they are with him, and their followers are our brothers and sisters.
We need to pull down our
walls of separation and share in the universality of God’s love: Very often we
set up walls which separate us from God and from one another. It is therefore
fitting that we should pray that the walls which our pride, intolerance and
prejudice have raised, may crumble. Next, we have to be grateful to God for all
the blessings we enjoy. As baptized members of the Christian community, we have
been given special privileges and easy access to God's love. But we also
have serious responsibilities arising from these gifts. One of these
responsibilities is to make clear to others, with true humility and compassion,
that God's love, mercy and healing are for them also because they too are the
children of God.
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