Saturday, June 3, 2023

 HOLY TRINITY: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; II Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18

Last Sunday, we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, the feast of the Holy Spirit and this Sunday, we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, the one God in three persons. The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is a basic doctrine of Faith in Christianity, understandable not with our heads but with our hearts. It teaches us that there are three distinct Persons in one God, sharing the same Divine Nature, co-equal and co-eternal. Our mind cannot grasp this doctrine which teaches that 1+1+1 = 1 and not 3. But we believe in this Mystery because Jesus, Who is God, taught it clearly, the Evangelists recorded it, the Fathers of the Church tried to explain it, and the Councils of Nicaea and Constantinople defined it as a dogma of Christian Faith.


We don’t have to clearly know the Trinity before we can believe in Him. Thomas Edison, the inventor, once remarked: “We don’t know what water is. We don’t know what light is. We don’t know what electricity is. We don’t know what heat is. We have a lot of hypotheses about these things, but that is all. But we don’t let our ignorance about these things deprive us of their use.” — The truth of that statement is real. Most of us do not know how an electric light works or how a telephone or a TV works, but this does not prevent us from using them. The same principle may be applied to the doctrine of the Trinity. We can believe it before we can understand it.


A good illustration of the Trinity comes from world-renowned scientist Dr. Henry Morris. He notes that the entire universe is Trinitarian by design. The universe consists of three things: matter, space, and time. Take away any one of those three, and the universe would cease to exist. But each one of those is itself a trinity. Matter = mass + energy + motion. Space = length + height + breadth. We do not have anything in this world which has only length without height or width; or only width without length or height. That is not possible. Time = past + present + future. Thus, the whole universe witnesses the character of the God who made it. Therefore, it is not just man who is created in the image or likeness of God. Even the whole creation is patterned in God’s nature: trinitarian.

St. John of Damascus, a great Eastern theologian of the eighth century, said we should think “of the Father as a root, the Son as a branch, and of the Spirit as a fruit, for the substance of these three is one.”  He also said, “Think of the Father as a Spring of Life, begetting the Son like a River and the Holy Ghost like a sea, for the spring, the river and the sea are all one nature.”


With this doctrine, God has revealed to us that He is not infinite loneliness but infinite love, the infinite relationship of self-giving. If God was only one person, how would He be infinite love before He created the world? Because there was nobody else other than the God who exists in one person. Whom is He going to love, if there is nothing outside of Himself? This is where we can say the Islamic concept of one God in one person is not sensible. Such a God existing in one person cannot be Love. He had no one to love other than Himself. He would have been infinite loneliness and infinite monotonous. But if He is one God in three persons, he would be a community and be infinite love.

Richard of St. Victor said: If God is Good, He has to be one. (There is only one Good, i.e. God.  Jesus said to the young man who asked Him: Good teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Why do you call me Good? There is only one who is Good).

If God is LOVE, He has to be two. Because love has to go out of oneself to another. If God is joy, He has to be three. Joy is what originates when two people share a love for each other. Just like when a young loving couple shares their love, a new child is born. Father and the Son love each other so intensely that their love becomes a Person, Holy Spirit. They love each other and give each other.

We say in the creed that the Son and the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father: We can think of this procession like light and heat, two different things coming out from the one source: a flame. But all three are different things, not one thing. Flame is not heat; heat is not light, and vice versa. In the same way, Father is not the Son, not the Son the Holy Spirit or the Father. God's eternal dynamic happiness flows from that communion of love. The one divine nature exists fully and simultaneously in three divine Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

 A triangle is made of three angles or corners. Without these three, it won’t make a triangle. In the same way, the without the trinity, God cannot be called God. God will not have all the existential qualities. God’s presence is everywhere. But He has to be in heaven in a more forceful and powerful presence than He is here or present in any particular thing. God is immanent, meaning present in everything. God Immanuel. But He is also transcendent, meaning transcending everything in this world. He is otherworldly. Therefore, we say heaven is primarily otherworldly where God is. Though heaven starts here because God is already here.

The Trinitarian doctrine says that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are different from each other, yet one God. Those who have been through high school know that the basic component of any “thing” is an atom. Atom has three things: electrons, and in the nucleus, there are Neutrons and Protons. This is the basic combination of anything. Just like we now have Father and the Son in heaven as in the nucleus, and the Holy Spirit with us, like the electrons. So, everything is created in the likeness of God.

The importance of this doctrine lies in this:  we are made in the image of God; therefore, the more we understand God, the more we can understand ourselves. Jesus revealed God to us. No one can really reveal God to us other than someone who claimed he came from God. The Father and I are one, he said.  

Just as God is God only in a Trinitarian relationship, so we can be fully human only as one member of a relationship of three partners.  The self needs to be in a horizontal relationship with all other people and in a vertical relationship with God.  In that way, our life is Trinitarian like that of God. The love, unity, and joy in the relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit should be the supreme model of our relationships within our Christian families.  Our families become truly Christian when we live in a relationship of love with God and with others.

May God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit shower their blessings on us and help us to strengthen our bond of unity, love and peace.

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